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MLR Forestal, a company that listens to its neighbors

The vision of the company is to create harmony with the communities, which is why it maintains an open channel of communication through a delegate chosen by the community For MLR Forestal it is vital to establish relationships with the communities and farms that adjoin its plantations. In fact, in the words of Mabel Lazo,…

MLR Forestal delivers school supplies and teaching materials for the fourth consecutive year

Since 2018, when the school year begins, the children already know that they will receive a special visit that they anxiously await. On a designated day, during class hours, the MLR Forestal vans loaded with school supplies for them and teaching materials for their teachers will arrive at their school. And they will be happy…

This is how MLR Forestal will take advantage of the trees felled by Eta and Iota on their properties

Hurricanes Eta and Iota that hit the North Caribbean pf Nicaragua in November 2020, also affected MLR Forestal. There were 26 thousand cubic meters of wood knocked down by the wind and rain on the plantations of the agroforestry company in the Mining Triangle. However, these trees from the teak forest plantations did not “die”…
carbon capture

Afforestation and how it helps fight climate change

Establishing commercial forest plantations for carbon capture purposes and consequent use brings environmental benefits

No, forest plantations are not natural forests, but they protect them

Although forest plantations are not natural forests, it can be said that it is an economic activity that is not only friendly to the environment but that by its mere existence helps to improve it
Relationship agreement between MRL Forestal and GTI Matumbak advances

Relationship agreement between MLR Forestal and GTI Matumbak is almost ready

MLR Forestal and the Mayangna Arungka Matumbak Indigenous Territorial Government (GTI) took another step towards the realization of the Relationship Agreement by holding a working session in December 2020 with authorities from the Pansuhwas, Mukuswas and Ispayulilna communities in Bonanza. This agreement introduces a new dynamic of understanding between a private company and neighboring indigenous…