About us
Forestry MLR

Establish the roots of a positive future in the North Caribbean of Nicaragua.

Generate added value to the communities where we operate, the indigenous peoples, the environment, as well as our customers, shareholders and collaborators through the establishment, development, operation, harvesting and transformation of sustainable, responsible and innovative agroforestry plantations.

To be leaders in the rescue of the forestry vocation and the transformation of the North Caribbean through world-class agroforestry plantations, socially responsible, friendly to the environment and respectful of the rights of indigenous peoples.
The clonal gardens
MLR Forestal nurseries can produce 600,000 plants a year, mainly teak and cocoa. However, we also produce native species such as marango, mahogany, guapinol and royal cedar, which are emblematic of the North Caribbean. These species are used for afforestation of community protection areas and for reforestation.
In the nurseries, plants are grown clonally in order to guarantee homogeneity in the plantations.
The process consists of three steps:
Mother trees that are the most suitable for commercial purposes are identified (straight shaft, few branches) and vegetative material or bud is extracted.
That bud is subjected to a rooting method until it becomes a plant.
Then the clone is kept in a special tunnel where it is given heat treatment for thirty days and finally taken to the field.