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The first vanilla fruits obtained at MLR Forestal. The fruits are 12 to 15 centimeters long.

Vanilla at MLR Forestal: a story of perseverance and innovation

If the experiment with vanilla is successful, this product could become an alternative income for the company and for the area as well.
The changes to the Rainforest Alliance certification take effect on July 1, 2023. In the picture, the participants of the training

MLR Forestal personnel received Rainforest Alliance update certification training

"MLR Forestal follows the rules. You sense here that they want a change in business philosophy," said a trainer of Rainforest Alliance.
The identification and the protection of the birds that take refuge in, or pass through MLR Forestal's plantations are important tasks for the company.

The four pillars of MLR Forestal on World Environment Day

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the World Environment Day. In this article we explain the actions carried out by MLR Forestal
According to the UN, biodiversity is the wide variety of existing plants, animals and microorganisms, but also includes the genetic differences within each species, for example, between crop varieties and livestock breeds, as well as the variety of ecosystems.

MLR Forestal ecological restoration areas on the International Day of Biodiversity

May 22nd marks the International Day for Biological Diversity. MLR Forestal strives to enhance biodiversity in its farms
Durante el Global Big Day en MLR Forestal se observaron especies como las chachalacas, loras, pericos y tucanes como el de la imagen.

64 bird species observed at MLR Forestal during the Global Big Day

The Global Big Day is an international bird watching and registration event devised by Cornell University in the United States. In the first Global Big Day of 2023 held on May 13, 64 species of birds were registered at MLR Forest. These birds were located in the Danlí, Mutiwas, Waspado and Santa Fe farms. During…
Las plantas sembradas en la restauración ecológica servirán para atraer especies de la biodiversidad, incluyendo invertebrados terrestres, insectos, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. En la imagen, una rana verde de ojos rojos en los terrenos de MLR Forestal.

MLR Forestal commemorates World Amphibian Day by protecting 21 species

In 2004 the World Conservation Union (CITES) It globally assessed the situation of amphibians and revealed that between a third and a half of them are threatened with extinction and that some 120 families of these species have already disappeared from Earth. It was for these reasons that the agency declared April 28 as World…