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Las plantas sembradas en la restauración ecológica servirán para atraer especies de la biodiversidad, incluyendo invertebrados terrestres, insectos, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. En la imagen, una rana verde de ojos rojos en los terrenos de MLR Forestal.

MLR Forestal commemorates World Amphibian Day by protecting 21 species

In 2004 the World Conservation Union (CITES) It globally assessed the situation of amphibians and revealed that between a third and a half of them are threatened with extinction and that some 120 families of these species have already disappeared from Earth. It was for these reasons that the agency declared April 28 as World…
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Head of MARENA Biodiversity division visits MLR Forestal

Katia Chévez, head of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity division of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), visited MLR Forestal. Chévez accompanied by Norlan López, Technical Coordinator MARENA Las Minas; Yamir Castillo, Environmental Inspector MARENA Las Minas and Deyvis Ríos, also Environmental Inspector MARENA Las Minas toured the different areas of the company.…
El proyecto de restauración ecológica de MLR Forestal tiene como meta reforestar con especies nativas 550 hectáreas, de las 1450.80 hectáreas que la empresa ha destinado a la conservación.

MLR celebrates International Day of Forests by Reclaiming Degraded Land

The company celebrates the International Day of Forests by remembering that its more than 4,550 hectares are no longer the degraded lands of yesteryear.
En MLR Forestal una buena parte de los reductos de bosques ubicados en el área de trabajo se encuentran en las riberas de los ríos y arroyos locales, de manera que la red hídrica se convierte en las rutas de interconexión de mayor potencial para todas las áreas de bosques.

MLR’s contribution to the International Day of Action for Rivers

With the conservation areas and ecological restoration plan, the company does its part on the International Day of Action for Rivers
En el nuevo aserradero de MLR Forestal se procesa la madera de teca que la empresa exporta a países como la India y Estados Unidos.

MLR Forestal with greater capacity for the transformation of teak from its plantations

Now MLR Forestal has the sawmill with the largest capacity for the processing of teak wood in Nicaragua
MLR Forestal tiene un programa de investigación de biodiversidad y monitoreo permanente de especies. En la imagen,

Why snakes aren´t killed at MLR Forestal?

Eighty employees from the nursery area of the company received talks to learn about snakes and the importance of their conservation