
Inicio | MLR bird catalog reaches 400 students from rural Siuna

MLR bird catalog reaches 400 students from rural Siuna

18 October, 2021
This work was published thanks to monitoring carried out in the 16 MLR Forestal plantations since 2020. During these monitoring, 250 species of birds were identified.
This work was published thanks to monitoring carried out in the 16 MLR Forestal plantations since 2020. During these monitoring, 250 species of birds were identified.

The children of the Flor de Pino school located in Empalme La Bú, Siuna, love nature. When MLR Forestal gives talks from the Aula Verde environmental education program, they actively participate. They also name the animals they see in photos and videos and know the need to take care of them. And now they will be able to get to know the birds in the area in greater depth, as this is one of the schools that received the bird catalog made by the company. In total, approximately 400 students will benefit.

Donald Guido Medina, assistant principal of the school, describes the catalog as “something precious” that was made with “great detail.” “One believes that there are some species that do not live in these communities, in this ecosystem that is so limited, but with the catalog we see that they do exist. In addition, it is positive how the company contributes because the arborization allows that fauna to develop with more fluency, with freedom,” he added.

Mabel Lazo Quino, head of Social Management at MLR Forestal, hands over the catalog to Professor Donald Guido, at the Flor de Pino School library, Empalme La Bú, Siuna.

A contribution to the education of children and adolescents

Since its beginning, the bird directory had an educational purpose and was made available to the population digitally and free of charge. The next step was to publish it physically and deliver it to local authorities, the media, social leaders, environmental activists and universities in the North Caribbean. The schools of four neighboring towns to the company were also included here: June 1, Unión La Bú, Nuevo Amanecer de Bethel 2, Flor de Pino de Empalme La Bú and San Francisco de Asís in San Miguel sector 1.

“Those in charge of the schools told us that this is a great contribution to the education of children and adolescents in the area. There are about 400 regular primary, multi-grade and secondary students who will have direct access to the document. And, apart from the physical material, the digital catalog is being sent to the principals so that they can share it with the teachers and thus have greater coverage,” explained Mabel Lazo Quino, head of Social Management at MLR Forestal.

The bird directory joins the Aula Verde environmental education initiative developed by MLR in the schools of its neighboring communities.

Updated knowledge about the reality of the environment

Professor Guido highlighted a key element about the catalog and that is the novelty and timeliness of its information. “It is very important because it allows us to have knowledge of the reality of our environment and we are not studying the fauna of other departments or other countries, but ours.” Regarding this, Lazo explained that the centers “have a bibliography, but the birds they have in the books are either extinct or not from the area, so they are grateful for having updated data and original photographs.” This is why the work will be very useful.

The assistant principal concluded by commenting that the new school library book will be used in both secondary and primary schools. At the Flor de Pino School, located one kilometer from the MLR Forestal offices, there are 160 elementary school students and 68 high school students.


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