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MLR Forestal participates in the Regional Cocoa Strategy

21 April, 2021
MLR Forestal participates in the Regional Cacao Strategy as the main agroforestry company in the North Caribbean of Nicaragua
MLR Forestal participates in the Regional Cacao Strategy as the main agroforestry company in the North Caribbean of Nicaragua

MLR Forestal, as the main agroforestry company in the North Caribbean of Nicaragua, is one of the key actors in this consultation process .

MLR Forestal, as part of the Nicaraguan Cocoa Commission, Comcacao, associated with the Central American and Dominican Republic Cocoa Committee, Sicacao, participates in the consultation for the construction of the Regional Cocoa Strategy for Central America and the Dominican Republic for the period 2021 -2030.

The regional strategy, financed by the Swiss Cooperation Agency for Development (SDC) through the Knowledge Management project of the Cocoa Value Chain in Central America, will be built from the common objectives of the countries and will take as a reference the national laws, policies and strategies of each country. The production process runs from January to May of the current year.

MLR Forestal, a company that promotes impact investments in the agroforestry sector with key environmental, social and economic results for the development of the communities where it operates, participates in the construction of the guidelines related to gender equity and equality and the participation of the organizations and youth in the value chain, among other issues.

MLR has a cocoa laboratory on its Siuna campus where the quality of the beans is controlled.

On the subject of gender, the identification of barriers to the participation of women in the different links of cocoa production is contemplated. Regarding youth and cocoa, the strategy includes focus groups to find out their interests and demands in relation to the cocoa sector, in addition to showing the opportunities that exist around the value chain of this product.

“As a company committed to the development of technified forest crops and sustainability, we are pleased to participate in the construction of the Regional Cocoa Strategy. This regional initiative coincides with one of our objectives, which is to promote the recovery of the environment for future generations, which is why we are more than happy to be part of its construction and implementation “, said Juan Ignacio Ramírez, Commercial Manager of MLR Forestal .

For the environment

The environment is another important aspect that the Regional Cocoa Strategy takes up to determine the key players in the sector and their link with functional diversity (FD), such as: land use / type of cover, components of the FD -Abundance of trees, range of attributes (legumes, forage, firewood, nutrition) and presence of specific species (cultural-religious value).

The goal of MLR Forestal is to establish, manage and sustainably use 1,500 ha. of cocoa with an estimated productivity of 1.8 metric tons per hectare and per year.

MLR Forestal also has a collection center where they receive fresh or “baba” cocoa.

The company currently has 1,050 hectares of cocoa planted in association with teak. The association is an innovative method that MLR Forestal is valid in Nicaragua. Cocoa requires shade as it does not withstand high temperatures; the method consists of planting the cocoa next to the teak for shade. The cocoa produced by MLR Forestal is used in the production of chocolate in Germany.

MLR Forestal’s impact investments make use of the best agroforestry technology to promote nurseries and clonal gardens that produce germplasm of high genetic quality, with good productive potential and tolerance to pests and diseases of the crop.


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