
Inicio | MLR Forestal allocates 1,715 hectares for the protection of flora and fauna

MLR Forestal allocates 1,715 hectares for the protection of flora and fauna

31 May, 2021
The MLR Forestal protection area located on the banks of the Prinzapolka River.
The MLR Forestal protection area located on the banks of the Prinzapolka River.

When the MLR Forestal company acquires a farm, one of the first actions it takes is an environmental pre-evaluation; with it he identifies the margins of water sources; well-preserved natural primary and secondary forests. But it also locates the lands that are not functional to establish forest plantations; for example, the tops of the hills or very steep slopes. The green belts that remain around the plantations later become protection areas.

“The protection areas are strips of land that the company leaves for the conservation of flora and fauna and of water sources. We have around 1,715 hectares of remaining secondary forest and other areas that are destined solely for protection ”, explains Abiecer Soza, head of biodiversity management at MLR Forestal. After the hurricanes Eta and Iota hit the North Caribbean regiion of Nicaragua in November 2020, the conservation area was reduced to 1,453.26 hectares because of the damage that the storms caused.

The protection areas are green blankets that, in some cases, protect small streams like the one in the image.

Safe refuge for 860 species of plants and animals

These green areas are vital because the territories surrounding the plantations are agricultural and livestock. Conservation areas protect water sources from erosion; stabilize the hydrological cycle; regulate microclimates; and they allow biological connectivity between each farm, neighboring farms and small forest remnants, in this case located in the buffer zone of the Bosawas Biological Reserve.

“In addition, these areas guarantee a refuge and a safe habitat for biodiversity and threatened wildlife,” adds Soza.

Currently the company maintains a registry of approximately 860 species among plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds. In the flora section, in the protected areas there are trees of various species of precious wood, among them: mahogany, royal cedar, coyote and ñambar that is in danger of extinction. And in fauna, endangered species such as the yellow-necked parrot and the spider monkey have been observed, which, worldwide, have been declared at risk of extinction.

To conserve endangered flora species, MLR is using its nurseries to reproduce them and to be able to reforest degraded areas; also to donate trees of these species to neighboring communities to be used in reforestation.

At least 250 species of birds inhabit the farms and protected areas of MLR Forestal.

Catalogs, Research, Training and Motion Sensor Cameras

These protected areas, which are crossed by the Prinzapolka, Ulí, Matis and the Sucio River, are home to 72 species of butterflies . The finding of these species was reflected in the study: Butterflies of the Private MRL Forest Reserve Silvestre, Siuna; conducted by researcher Kevin Gauthier and entomologist Jean-Michel Maes.

This research was presented in the Nicaraguan Journal of Entomology; publication recognized by the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (Red ALyC).

Signs like this are located in all conservation areas.

Similarly, Abiecer Soza has prepared a catalog with 250 species of birds identified, photographed and classified. Directories of reptiles, amphibians and mammals will also be presented soon. To monitor the animals in their natural state, feeders have been located in trees; also two cameras with motion sensor, waterproof and infrared. These are used to take photos and videos at night, early morning and in times of low visibility.

MLR Forestal also trains field workers so that they see themselves as conservers of flora and fauda. Animal mistreatment, hunting, extraction, forest burning and littering are prohibited on MLR Forestal farms; because the company’s commitment to the environment is firm and determined.


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