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New working session between MLR Forestal and the Indigenous Territorial Government

27 June, 2021
Aspect of the meeting between the Pansuhwas, Mukuswas and Ispayulilna communities, of the Matumbak territory and the agroforestry company MLR Forestal de Nicaragua
Aspect of the meeting between the Pansuhwas, Mukuswas and Ispayulilna communities, of the Matumbak territory and the agroforestry company MLR Forestal de Nicaragua

On May 27, the monitoring commission of the Mayangna Communities of the Mayangna Arungka Matumbak Indigenous Territory and MLR Forestal held a working session to review the progress of the 2021 work plan that contains the relationship agreement signed between the Matumbak Territory and the agroforestry company.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary of the outgoing Indigenous Territorial Government and the newly elected President, Vice President, Secretary and accompanying Technicians. On behalf of MLR Forestal were present Luis A. López, manager of Sustainable Development and Mabel Lazo Quino, responsible for Social Management.

Delivery of laptop and two smartphones for Matumbak website

As part of the agreements of the quarterly plan March – May 2021, the design of the site was presented, which collects information on the Mayangna culture, economic activities and articles contributed by members of the committee. In this part of the process, a laptop and two smartphones were delivered to the authorities that will be used to maintain the territory’s website. This site will be administered by a group of community members that make up the Website Commission.

The working session between MLR and the authorities of the Indigenous Territorial Government took place in the Moravian Church of the Mukuswás community.

Technical assistance plan in cocoa moves on

Another commitment that is progressing favorably is in the cocoa technical assistance plan. The cocoa specialist and the person in charge of social management of MLR Forestal are conducting the visits to the communities and it is planned that they will end this month.

At the end of the visits, the technical assistance plan will be drawn up with the presidents and support teams of the three evaluated cooperatives (one from Mukuswas, another from Pansuhwas and another from Ispayulilna). Once the plan is prepared, the implementation will proceed.

MLR will also have a batch of plants to replace non-productive plants (the amount will depend on technical considerations) and at the same time will provide plants to increase the planted area of each cooperative by at least one hectare.

The approval process of the relationship agreement directly included the authorities of the Matumbak Indigenous Territorial Government (GTI Matumbak), community authorities and residents of the three Mayangnas communities: Pansuhwas, Mukuswás and Ispayulilna.

Fire watch tower and communal nursery are in process

The representatives of MLR Forestal explained that the construction of the watchtower against forest fires, which is another of the projects scheduled for 2021, will be done with the design of INAFOR, with whom a collaboration agreement has already been discussed and will be signed that will include technical assistance for fire prevention both at the MLR level and at the Matumbak territory level. Tje construction of the tower is scheduled for july.

Finally, there is a permanent opening of MLR Forestal to hire personnel from the Mayangnan communities as part of the plan for this year and it was agreed that between June 14 and 25, the installation of the communal nursery in Mukuswas and the selection of a manager will begin, as set out in the 2021 annual plan.


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