
Inicio | Forest MLR with high score in annual evaluation of teak crops

Forest MLR with high score in annual evaluation of teak crops

29 January, 2023
La evaluación de las plantaciones de teca de Fundatec se llevó a cabo en diciembre de 2022.
La evaluación de las plantaciones de teca de Fundatec se llevó a cabo en diciembre de 2022.

For four years, the Technological Foundation of Costa Rica (Fundatec) has been carrying out an annual appraisal of biological assets, that is, teak trees, and financial indicators in MLR Forestal and again the company has surpassed it with excellent ratings.

José Pablo Gamboa, Fundatec consultant, explained that as part of the process, the growth of teak plantations must be determined. For this, “there is a monitoring team in MLR that makes inventories, plots, annual measurements. They have their methodology and a system of maps of all farms that is very complex. Our first goal is to validate that database, to say if it is correct and if the maps represent reality. It’s like taking an exam. We choose a sampling of the plots, the lots, the maps, the stands and we re-measure the trees by diameters, heights and qualities of logs.”

The outcome of the examination of teak plantations was positive for the company. In the words of Gamboa, the teak in MLR Forestal “grows very well, it has growth rates that are almost beating other companies in other countries. This is a good site for teak and also seed forestry has been changed to certified clones and that gives an extra yield in the field.”

Fundatec is a private entity of public utility created in 1987 by a group of officials of the Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC)

Teca “is getting returns above projected curves”

“The bottom line is that you’re getting returns above the projected curves and that’s good, it’s a gain for the company. In the first consultancy we did, one objective was to validate the company’s growth models and compare it with the real growth. We have done it, the models are correct and we have recommended that they continue to be maintained knowing that they are being improved,” said Gamboa.

The specialist also indicated that “the financial indicators of the company in terms of teak are healthy, healthy, maintain real expectations and that is what investors are looking for. The cultivation of teak is long-term, you have to wait and know how to handle it. It is a crop that responds well if it is taken care of, it requires constant work and regarding that the company is always in continuous improvement”.


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